PCCBS David Lieberman Presidential Doctoral Student Fellowship

The PCCBS has established a doctoral fellowship for ABD students in honor and memory of David Lieberman, former President of the PCCBS and a dear friend, colleague, and mentor for several decades. David was a renowned scholar of eighteenth-century law and society at UC Berkeley School of Law, as well as a specialist in the works and ideas of Jeremy Bentham.

The fellowship is intended to provide one-time financial support to students who have reached the ABD stage in their graduate programs and who demonstrate both merit and need. The funds are designed to help support an outstanding doctoral student with living and/or research expenses in the coming year. It is open to students working in British Studies defined broadly, who are enrolled in doctoral programs in the Pacific Coast region, and who are members of PCCBS at the time of application.


  • 2024
  • 2023 Eva Vaillancourt, Department of History, UC Berkeley, “Red Light, Green Light: Traffic and the Twilight of the British World Order, 1890 to 1950” (dissertation)