The prize for the best article published by a member of PCCBS in 2024 will be awarded at the Spring 2025 meeting. The article prize submission deadline is February 7, 2025. Author and other interested persons may make nominations. The articles are judged by a three-person committee composed of PCCBS members and the winner is announced at the annual meeting.
Copies of the article should be sent to all three committee members.
Jennifer Anderson, Chair (CS-San Bernardino)
- 2024 Radhika Natarajan, “The ‘Bogus Child’ and the ‘Big Uncle’: The Impossible South Asian Family in Post-Imperial Britain,” Twentieth Century British History 34, no. 3 (September 2023): 440–466
- 2023 Lisa Cody, “‘Marriage is No Protection for Crime’: Coverture, Sex, and Marital Rape in Eighteenth- Century England,” Journal of British Studies 61, no. 4 (October 2022): 809–834
- 2021 Samuel Fullerton, “Fatal Adulteries: Sexual Politics in the English Revolution,” The Journal of British Studies 60, no. 4 (October 2021): 793-821
- 2020 Jennifer Binczewski, “Power in Vulnerability: Widows and Priest Holes in the Early Modern English Catholic Community,” British Catholic History 35, no. 1 (May 2020): 1-24
- 2019 Michelle Tusan, “Genocide, Famine and Refugees on Film: Humanitarianism and the First World War” in Past & Present, 237 (November 2017) 197–235
- 2017 Steve Hindle, “Representing Rural Society: Labor, Leisure and the Landscape in an Eighteenth-Century Conversation Piece,” Critical Inquiry 41, no. 3 (Spring 2015): 615-54 and Honorable Mention to Pryia Satia, “Byron, Gandhi and the Thompsons: The Making of British Social History and the Unmaking of Indian History,” History Workshop Journal 81 (Spring 2016): 135-170
- 2015 Rebecca Lemon (USC), “Compulsory Conviviality in Early Modern England,” English Literary Renaissance 43, no. 3 (September 2013): 381- 414 and Honorable Mention to Radhika Natarajan (Reed College), “Performing Multiculturalism: The Commonwealth Arts Festival of 1965,” Journal of British Studies 53, no. 3 (July 2014): 705-733
- 2013 David Cressy, “Saltpetre, State Security and Vexation in Early Modern England,” Past & Present 212 (August 2011): 73-211
- 2011 Simon Devereaux, “Recasting the Theatre of Execution: The Abolition of the Tyburn Ritual,” Past and Present 202, no. 1 (2009)
- 2009 Amy Woodson-Boulton, “‘Industry without Art is Brutality’: Aesthetic Ideology and Social Practice in Victorian Art Museums” Journal of British Studies 46, no. 1 (2007) and Honorable Mention to Molly McClain, “Love, Friendship and Power: Queen Mary II’s Letters to Frances Apsley” Journal of British Studies 47, no. 3 (2008)
- 2007 Priya Satia, “The Defense of Inhumanity: Air Control and the British Idea of Arabia” 111, no. 1 (2006)
- 2005 Erika Rappaport, “‘The Bombay Debt’: Letter Writing, Domestic Economies and Family Conflict in Colonial India” Gender & History 16, no. 2 (2004)
- 2003 Lori Anne Ferrell, “The Sacred, the Profane, and the Union: Politics of Sermon and Masque at the Court Wedding of Lord and Lady Hay” in Politics, Religion and Popularity: Essays in Honour of Conrad Russell, ed. T. Cogswell, R. Cust and P. Lake (Cambridge UP 2002)