Graduate Student Prize

The PCCBS awards a prize for a conference paper written by a graduate student and presented at our annual conference or (in the case of a graduate student studying at a university within the PCCBS region) to any conference in a calendar year. The conference paper must be based on original research, meet scholarly standards, and deal with a topic centering on British studies. Excursive footnotes may be added. Both the student and the major professor must be members of PCCBS. The winner receives a monetary prize and recognition at the annual PCCBS conference.


  • 2023-24 Elizabeth Hines (University of Chicago): “Anglo-Dutch Imperial Experiments.”
  • 2022-23 Kristen Thomas-McGill (UC Santa Barbara, advised by Erika Rappaport): “Deciphering Professional Interpersonal Relationships and Archival Practices through an Imperial Scandal.”
  • 2020-21 Claire Wrigley (University of California, Berkeley), “‘To Sweep Away and Raise Up’: Slum Clearances, Public Housing, and State Surveillance in Britain, 1919-1930.” Advisor: Prof. James Vernon. History Department, University of California, Berkeley, and Brendan Mackie (University of California, Berkeley), “Ringing The Changes: Clubs, Conspicuous Complexity, and the Middle-Class Public in 18th-Century England.” Advisor: Prof. Thomas Laqueur, History Department, University of California, Berkeley.
  • 2019 Ken Corbett (University of British Columbia). “Redeeming the Time: Punctuality, Credit, & the Middling Sort”
  • 2018 Murphy Temple (Stanford), “Spiritualism, the Body, and ‘Good Death’ in the First World War”; and Honorable Mention to Elizabeth Schmidt (UC Santa Barbara), “Culinary Commonplacing: An Examination of Borders in 18th- and 19th- Century Personal Recipe Collections.”
  • 2017 Jon Connolly (Stanford University), “Indentured Free Labor: Legal Ideology in the Era of Emancipation”
  • 2016 Sofia Cepeda (University of Arizona), “She Has Got a Husband at Sea: Seamen, Women, and the State, 1792-1815”
  • 2015 Catherine L. Chou (Stanford), “Henry Howard and the Popish Parliament”
  • 2014 Karin Amundsen (USC), “‘Upon Uncertain Hope of Gain’: Alchemy and Empire in Tudor England”
  • 2013 Aidan Forth (Stanford), “Repression and Relief: Civilian ‘Concentration Camps’ in the British Empire, 1871- 1903”
  • 2012 Lauren Horn Griffin (UC Santa Barbara), “St. Winefride’s Well Revisited: Confessional Identity & Devotional Practice in Stuart England”
  • 2011 Justin Reed (UC Riverside), “Dutch Propaganda and the Repeal of the Test Acts”
  • 2010 Caroline Shaw (UC Berkeley), “A Sacred Right of Refuge? The Tension Between the Universal and the Particular in the British Application of the Refugee Category, 1880-1905”
  • 2009 Noah Millstone (Stanford), “Evil Counsel: The ‘Propositions to Bridle the Impertinency of Parliament’ and the Crisis of 1629”
  • 2008 Rebecca Hughes (University of Washington), “‘Changing Africa’: Representations of Africans in British Missionary Propaganda, 1919-1939”
  • 2007 Jeff Hoppes (UC Berkeley), “The Formation of the New Model Army Dragoon Regiment”
  • 2005 Tillman Nechtman (University of Southern California), “‘These Fungus’s of Asia’: Nabobs, Metropolitan Fears, and the Indian Empire”